Organic Sulphur (MSM ) information & benefits - how to take it

Organic Sulphur - MSM

What is Organic Sulphur?

Organic Sulphur, in its purest form, is methylsulfonylmethane (MSM)—a natural, additive-free compound derived from the lignans of pine trees through a chemical-free process. Our organic sulphur comes in a crystalline form, free from additives and naturally distilled, ensuring optimal purity and effectiveness.

Organic Sulphur crystals are distinct from sulphates, which are salts of sulfuric acid, commonly found in products like sodium lauryl sulphate (SLS), a synthetic compound in many shampoos, cosmetics, and cleaning products that should generally be avoided. Unlike these chemical additives, organic sulphur is a natural mineral and a food, not a drug, existing in its pure, crystalline form.

For optimal results, it’s best to choose sulphur in crystal form over MSM powder form. Crystal forms are often much more effective than standard MSM powders or pills, which may contain fillers and anti-caking agents that inhibit sulphur absorption. When MSM is processed into powder, it can lose up to 85% of its effectiveness, and synthetic additives further reduce its benefits.


Why do we need sulphur supplement?

Today, the industrialized farming methods employed by most farmers growing our food have virtually eliminated sulphur from the soil and from food itself. What little sulphur is left in food is usually then eliminated through processing, refrigeration, dehydration and cooking.

Sulphur is the third most abundant mineral in our body, about half of it is concentrated in your muscles, skin and bones, and is essential for life.  The body is composed of 4% sulphur, but our body does not store sulphur nor does it make it.  We should get the sulphur we need from the foods we eat, but unfortunately intensive farming and the use of chemical fertilizers has broken the sulphur-cycle (*), therefore we do not get enough of it. Sulphur makes up vital amino acids used to create protein for cells, tissues, hormones, enzymes, and antibodies.  All protein-rich tissues depend on sulphur for their structural integrity; these proteins are connected together by sulphur bonds.   

Sulphur deficiency in the body can cause or exacerbate a variety of conditions including acne, arthritis, brittle nails and hair, convulsions, depression, memory loss, gastrointestinal issues, rashes and even slow wound healing. 


Some of the many benefits in taking organic sulphur crystals include:

Ø  Increasing enzyme production within bodily glands and improving resistance to illness


Ø  Increasing flexibility in muscle tissue
Ø  Increasing blood circulation and cell oxygenation
Ø  Reducing muscle inflammation and promoting muscle healing
Ø  Promoting the healthy growth of hair and fingernails
Ø  Promoting healthy skin production and reducing wrinkles
Ø  Regulating insulin production
Ø  Improving colon function


                                      How much sulphur should I take?                                                                 

We recommend taking one teaspoon (4 grams) TWICE a day in water.

 Dissolve the crystals in a small amount (30-60ml) of warm non-chlorinated or filtered water, followed by a full glass (300ml) of water.

 Good hydration is absolutely necessary when taking MSM,

since the oxygen used for cellular metabolism is contained  in the water we drink as opposed to the air we breathe. 

 As a rule,  you should drink 3.2% of your body weight translated in litres of water per day.

 Example: if you weight 70 Kg. you should drink 2.2 lt. of water per day

Measure it out, to be sure you’re getting all you need.

 The table on the right shows you how to correctly calculate your water needs when taking MSM.


Sulphur can also be taken with food during meals; brushing your teeth with sulphur is beneficial for the gums.


Please note:

Sulphur should always be taken 30 minutes before any prescription medications or supplements including vitamins.

Some people have initially reported a “detox” or healing crisis after taking ½ teaspoons twice a day; if this happens, take more sulphur now. More sulphur seems to be better tolerated than too little.

Sulphur can also be eaten, but most studies recommend dissolving the crystals in pure water to use the oxygen in water.   



(*) Sulphur cycle - Sulphur has been in the food chain for a very long time.  It has been on planet Earth since before life appeared on dry land. This same process that replenishes the planetary MSM supply is ongoing today and will continue until the earth ceases to be a home for cellular organisms.
Plankton, tiny microscopic animals teeming in the oceans, absorb inorganic sulphur from seawater. The plankton then excretes organic sulphur salts. These compounds form a substance called dimethylsulfide, which evaporates and rises into the upper atmosphere. There, ultraviolet light oxidizes the dimethylsulfide, forming MSM, which falls to the earth in rainwater.
Once in the soil, plants absorb it. When they die, plants release sulphur into the soil, and the sulphur returns to the ocean.
This process is called the “sulphur cycle.” 



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