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The Happy Bum Co.

Happy bum enema support blends - 200gr

Happy bum enema support blends - 200gr

Regular price €89.00
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 Three great blends for different actions to our bodies via enema from the Happy Bum Co: 

 Happy Bum Biotic is designed specifically for improving gut health and contains the LactoSpore Bacillius which is scientifically proven to help relieve symptoms of IBS and IBS. This is a bacteria that colonises right in the colon and when inserted with a bulb straight to the source has an extremely high success rate of absorption - which many probiotics lack.

Happy Bum Biotic also contains a Pre Biotic fibre called Acacia Gum to help feed healthy bacteria in the gut. This blend repopulates the gut with good bacteria which is essential for a healthy gut microbiome, especially when detoxing regularly. Happy Bum Biotic supports healthy nutrient absorption, laying the foundation for a good immune system and supports constipation, IBS and IBD.  The Probiotic element is LactoSpore Bacillus coagulant, MTCC 5856 with 2 Billion CFU per serve. 

Happy bum calm -  is perfectly designed relaxation, calm and natural stress relief blend has some powerful ingredients to help bring you back to earth, help regulate the nervous system, lower your cortisol and allow your body to rest.  Stress is the number one cause of inflammation, leading to irritable bowel, auto immune disorders, chronic disease, hormone imbalances and our inability to enjoy life to the fullest. 

Happy Bum Hormone Support -  is designed to boost healthy hormone function and communication. Hormones are chemical messengers, firing important information and directions about your health all throughout your body. Hormones affect our growth, brain function, sex drive, weight, reproduction, skin, gut, emotions and so much more. 

In our daily lives, we are now exposed to more chemicals than ever before that actually block these signals in the body, send the wrong messages and cause disturbance on our endocrine health. This is why detoxing is so powerful and hormone blend pairs perfectly with coffee enemas.

How to Use  -  Enema, Bulb or drink it

CALM : Add 1/2 Tablespoon of Happy Bum Calm to plunger, add boiling water and steep for 10 minutes. Stir, plunge and cool. Pour into Happy Bum Bulb, Bag or drink as a tea.   Great before bed for stress relief and peaceful sleep, can be taken anytime of day. Great after a coffee enema

BIOTIC :  Add 1 Tablespoon into purified water and mix well until dissolved. Pour into the bulb and insert solution, hold and retain.

Biotic can also be added to smoothies, or anything else. It is flavourless and textureless. Safe for children.

HORMONE:  This blend can be taken orally as a tea, used in the Happy Bum Bag or Bulb.

  • BULB  - 300ml = 1/2 Tbsp of Happy Bum Hormone Support Blend
  • BAG -   600ml = 1 Tbsp of Happy Bum Hormone Support Blend

Bring water to a boil. Add Happy Bum Calm Blend to water and stir well. (see ratios above) Allow to steep in Happy Bum Plunger until the solution has cooled to body temperature. (37-38 degrees).  Strain using Happy Bum Plunger.

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